Posts tagged optimisation
Python code profiling and accelerating your calculations with numba
- 31 August 2020
You wrote up your excellent idea as Python program/module but you are unsatisfied with its performance. The chances are high most of us have been there at least once. I’ve been there last week.
I found excellent method for outlier detection (Enhanced Isolation Forest). eIF was initially written in Python and later optimised in Cython (using C++). C++ is ~40x faster than vanilla Python version, but it lacks the possibility to save the model (which is crucial for my project). Since adding model saving to C++ version is rather complicated buisness, I’ve decided to optimise Python code. Initially I hoped for ~5-10x speed improvement. The final effect surprised me, as rewritten Python code was ~40x faster than initial version matching C++ version performance!
How is it possible? Speeding up your code isn’t trivial. First you need to find which parts of your code are slow (so-called code profiling). Once you know that, you can start tinkering with the code itself (code optimisation).